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Working Toward Independence

Updated: May 6, 2024

This has been a big year for Harmony Christian Community as we are seeing substantial progress toward our goal of a Christ-centered community of differently-abled

individuals and their families.

A big step toward the goal is the creation of the Harmony Independence Academy, which will offer a specialized independent living curriculum. Through the Academy, we will equip students with essential life skills to navigate their living spaces confidently within a supportive community.

We're especially proud that the DeLoache Family Foundation has awarded a $25,000 grant to support this effort. The Foundation was a perfect match as it funds efforts that help children and Christian based organizations in South Carolina, particularly the Columbia and Charleston areas.

A big next step is our need for volunteers from the community to contribute their expertise in teaching these crucial life skills. We also need college-aged students who are open to engaging in a classroom environment and later transitioning to secure independent living arrangements.

The academy will serve eligible students, aged 18 or above, with a high school diploma or certificate from a Learning Resource program or homeschool, who have a diagnosis of a developmental or physical disability.

While we hope to expand our services, we are starting with these qualifications to ensure the safety of all residents. We hope that you will consider joining us on this mission.

Questions about our plans? Call (803) 556-3051.

Our Mission

Harmony Christian Community will be a Christ-centered community of differently-abled

individuals and their families. We will live meaningfully in an intergenerational neighborhood

with a farm, micro-businesses, and a step-down retirement facility as individuals and their

parents age.

The dream is for an intentional neighborhood that values those with different abilities who want to live independently, in affordable housing with 2-4 roommates per apartment. Residents may or may not need varying levels of long-term supported services (LTSS). We want a safe community where parents can ensure that their children can live both independently and without the usual risks.

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